Forwards are the plague of most email accts. You know the ones I am speaking of. Those that have been forwarded and attached so many times that it requires a good case of carpel tunnel to open them.
Almost everyone has a friend out there that seems to only send you forwards, am I right? You don't even open the emails from those friends!
I used to get aggravated receiving fwd after fwd until I realized that for some folks, this is their way of telling you that they are thinking of you. Some want to share a quirky sense of humor, some like to send the fwds that scare the britches off of the superstitous, some like animal pictures and most are just sending them because they don't know what else to say.
I decided to start posting some of ones that I receive. And some favorite youtubes.
Continue to delete your forwards. You can always come here to read them.